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CentrEau Hebd'Eau | The Renaissance Dam: New crisis in Egypt-Ethiopia relations

36th webinar of the series in the Hebd'Eau series titled "The Renaissance Dam: New crisis in the Egypt-Ethiopia relations" in collaboration with the Conseil québécois d'études géopolitiques (CQEG).

Speaker: Frédéric Lasserre, regular member, Head of the CQEG and professor in the Department of Geography at Université Laval.

Presentation : See the slideshow » (PDF, 1 178 Ko)

Language: French, with slides in French

Summary: Completed in 2020, the Renaissance Dam, built by Ethiopia on the Blue Nile, is perceived by downstream Egypt as a serious threat to its water security. Egypt has tried to prevent its construction and would now like to slow down its filling. Negotiations to date have failed, with a clear resurgence of tension between the two states. What is at stake in this conflict?

New series of weekly CentrEau webinars "all about water management". These short 20-minute presentations will be offered live every Thursday at 1 p.m. followed by a short discussion period. CentrEau professors and researchers, as well as guest speakers, will present their research work and its importance in a semi-popularized manner. Watch the previous webinars on our YouTube Channel.


Happy Water Month 2021!

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